Monday, November 29, 2010
'Tis The Season
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Review: Seche Restore Thinner
Favorite Products Series: It's All About The Nails
Friday, November 26, 2010
Perfumes I Want To Try

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Wednesday Radnom Ramble #2: Casual
it's 11:00am- and..I'm sitting with my hot green tea while blogging. Weather is cold(freezing cold) Apparently, it will snow tonight AGAIN. :( I know it is -40 in Calgary according to my lovely friend Kimber-Doll(come here girl! Visit Vancouver :)). I think I'm pretty thankful that I live in Vancouver because I don't know what will happen to me if I live in Alberta. HAHA.
so enough with the blah blah and I shall share with you some of my celebrity inspirations
I'm the type of girl who gets lazy to dress up sometimes, so you will always see me with a plain tee, jeans/leggings/jeggins, boots and a cozy sweater.
Honestly, from time to time I browse the web to get some inspirations from my favorite celebrities. I usually look at Lauren Conrad, Rachel Bilson, and Vanessa Hudgens' outfits some casual inspirations, and Blake Lively for a giryl girl style. Oh, and Audrina Patridge for a rocker outfit :)
here are some "inspirational" pictures :)
Vanessa Hudgens- I just love her bohemian outfits. She totally looks good with everything she wears, even if she has sweatpants on. I'm not a fan of her, but I love her style and outfits.

Rachel Bilson-I just adore her. Love everything about her. I miss OC(Orange County) days when she was still with Adam Brody. They look so cute together. She just broke up with Hayden Christensen. Anyways, I like how she dresses up because it seens like she doesn't put that much effort on it, but still looks put together.

Lauren Conrad- this "Laguna Beach" and "The Hills" star is my favorite. She seems to be the type of person who grew up in a good family. She is really successful with three books and a fashion line. I just love everything about Lauren Conrad.

Blake Lively- I know she dresses up differently on Gossip Girl, but I like how she look in this picture(below). I love the casual Blake Lively, but I still do like her outfits on Gossip Girl.

and..if I'm feeling "rocker-ish", which I sometimes do. I look at Audrina Patridge's outfits. Oh and her body is to die for. :D

Thanks for reading.
have a lovely Wednesday :)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Random Ramble
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Obsession: J Brand Houlihan Skinny Cargo Pants

TAG: All I Want for Christmas ARE...
...and the WINNER is..
I won't blab or ramble anymore and get straight to my point
the winner of my 500 contest is...
drum roll please...
Charming Vanity-
You guys should follow her. She does amazing reviews and hauls of all kinds. She deserves more followers. :) So congartulations hun! you won!!! I need you to email me at Send me your full name, address, postal code if you have any.
For those who didn't win my contest, please don't feel bad I will be doing a contest when I reach 800 followers. Cross fingers, hopefully by January. I promise you the prizes will ne bigger than this. If I only have that much money I will send everyone something, but unfortunately I don't :(
Thank you for all those who joined my contest, it means the world to me. Join next time and there are a lot of beauty bloggers who are having a contest right now, so join and you kight win!
Thanks again!
have a great weekend.
It is snowing here. Yeap! first day of snow...It's bittersweet for me. :)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wednesday Random Ramble
1:08pm- I'm here outside the place I work at waiting for 3:00pm to come because I need to go to my other job at the mall till 9:30pm. I know, the malls here close so early. Basically they close 7pm on Mondays and Tuesdays, 9:00pm on Wednesdays- Fridays and 7:oopm on Saturdays and on Sundays they close at 6:00pm. Are malls in UK, Europe or Asia like that too? Like I know malls in the U.S. are likt that, but I'm not quite sure about the others, so let me know.
soo....what to talk about?
oh, I saw this post from Kimber Doll- -FOLLOW her! she's makes awesome blog post and I really like her style. So please follow her.
anyways, the post I was talking about that she posted earlier or maybe that was yesterday was the "Winter Blues" post. Where she posted how cold it is here in Canada and what she wears to make her warm, so I guess I'll kind of cpy her..ish? not really, but I will show you guys what makes me happy during the winter season.
Some people gets depress during this time, and this is because of the lonely dark days.
For me, winter is Christmas, or should I say snow is Christmas because it just reminds me of how little kids play with snow, build snowman, and Santa too!No, I don't believe in Santa Clause, but I used to when I was a kid. Did you guys believe in Santa before?
it is already 1:30pm and I's still here talking about useless stuffs, but change is good. I don't want my blog to be all make-up and blahdiblahdiblah. So, change is sometimes good, Right?
Anyways.. if you follow me on twitter(which I think you should- you know that my phone broke. My phone is a Blackberry Curve 8520 and it SUCKS big time! It shuts down automatically and it turns on by itself AANDDD it needs to be charges 24/7(yes, I bring my charger wherever I go!). My phone is getting fixed by now, hopefully by this man, and fingers crossed I hope they can fix it. The battery wasn't the problem. the problem was that the device software was corrupted or something like that! I don;t know anything about these gadgets..grr! it makes me mad how I need to spend 60 bucks to get my phone fixed. NOT GOOD, not good at all!
enough with the rant about my Blackberry phone(I think an IPhone 4 is a must right now. What do you think? yes?? maybe?? or stick to my crappy Blackberry?) Oh if you guys want to BBM me(Blackberry Messenger) I'll give you my pin. So comment below and we could chat and be friends. :)
So what are the things that makes me happy during the winter season:
Whistler- I go here twice a year with some friends to go snowboarding. This is the best place on earth during winter time. Have you guys been here? If not, you are missing out.

Starbucks Latte! This is heaven: Toffee Mocha and Caramel Brulee- I think I'm buying one before work. So I will be awake till 9:30, since I woke up at freaking 7:00am earlier. What is you favorite Starbucks drink?
The holiday cups- makes me smile.